doing just fine…

Still woke up feeling tired this morning, but after we went to breakfast I was feeling just fine! My body is a little sore in certain spots: my knees ache (running and the hills on the bike), the backs of my shoulders (swimming) and my hip flexor (from everything). Nothing a few days off and some stretching won’t fix.

Feeling pretty good about my next race, though I’m a little nervous about the swim (it’s in a channel of the Detroit River) because there is current. Where we are swimming, it’s not fast, but it’s there none the less. And so far my open water swimming experience consists of the small lake swim I did yestereday!!!

Anyway, I would love to stay for the TRI 101 meeting they have after packet pickup the day before the race, but we have a wedding to go to that night!! I guess I can try to ask questions while I’m picking up my packet. Otherwise it should be a fun race- maybe a little easier than yesterdays as the island (Belle Isle) is flat, so no hills to content with on the bike, same with the run. But, being an island, it’s windy and the run is done down the interior of the island where I guess it gets hot. So maybe it will just be different and not easier. We’ll see!! But I am much less stressed about it, knowing I can do it one way or another!

Father’s day was nice today. Went to breakfast with hubby and the boys, and cleaned up the house to have the inlaws over for a bbq. We ate steak, scallops, potatoes, cornbread, roasted peppers and cookies for dessert. Got hubby some golf shirts that I gave to him a couple of weeks ago (he had a few day golf outing) and some UnderArmor shirts to wear under his hockey gear. I also got him another T-shirt/hat combo that said “Grill Sargent” on it. Fitting since he is the “grill master”! 🙂

Have been off program this week, stress eating and “carb loading” for my race, but I will be back on 100% this week so I can hit my goal!! Not sure if I will, but I am going to try!! It will happen this month even if it doesn’t happen by my birthday. That’s fine by me!

I guess that’s all for now!

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